Delete a composition

Where to find

This option is only available for super-admin users.

In Portfolio data screen select the tab of the composition to be deleted. Then select the action icon . This offers the option "Delete composition" and pres delete. A conformation screen pops-up to ask if you are sure to delete.    

Figure 1: Delete composition?

When you can't delete the composition

When trying to delete a composition but not selected the composition (composition tab), you will get the following warning:

Figure 2: Message composition not selected. Go to a composition tab.

When trying to delete a composition that is set as preferred, you will get the following warning:

Figure 3: Not possible to delete composition because it still has reference to a project.

To delete this composition you have to remove the references in all these projects to this composition.

When trying to delete a composition with projects referring to it , you will get the following warning:

Figure 4: Not possible to delete composition because it still has reference to a project.

To delete this composition you have to reset the Preferred composition status by checking "Preferred composition" button in the tab of that composition (Fig. 5b).


Figure 5a: and 5b: toggle button to set composition to preferred or not preferred.