
Constraints set to certain parameters are to ensure that a calculated composition will not result in exceeding these given boundaries.

Where to find

Taskbar Portfolio >> Portfolio data >> select desired portfolio >> tab Constraints

Example  (fig. 1)

R&D mech is set to 12. So a calculation for a composition may not result in a combination of projects that would not result in exceeding the total amount of R&D mech needed would be more than 12. When exceeding the limit, a project set to automatic for that composition could be excluded and another project could then be included.

Figure 1: Example of constraint settings in a portfolio

Example  (fig. 2)

The constraints are visible in e.g. portfolio over time, project over time and balance.

In this example (fig. 2) is visible that the portfolio net Innovation cost exceeds in 2016, 2017 and 2018 the set constraints.

Figure 2: constraints (grey line) in the portfolio over time graph


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