
A portfolio is a collection of projects. The new portfolio will automatically increase the number in its name with 1. This name can be altered.

Figure 1: Portfolio: settings general information

Where to find

Taskbar Portfolio > Create new portfolio (fig. 2)


  • Active portfolio:  use drop down to change the active project (fig. 2)
  • Show / toggle task panel
  • Export data
  • Reload: refreshes the window
  • The "action icon" reveals some options (fig. 2) like:
    • New portfolio. Create new portfolio with default values.
    • Copy portfolio. Creates a new project and it is still linked to the composition
    • New composition. Creates a new composition for this portfolio.
    • new task
    • Lock portfolio. Locks portfolio temporarily for editing by other users. It stays locked until unlocked or when user is signed out.

  • Settings
    • General information
    • Constraints
    • Composition

  • Access rights appointed to users.
  • All documents related to this portfolio

Figure 2: action menu options


Warning: Don't forget to save the changes you made in the data before you leave!