
This options creates a new task. A task is a reminder that can be linked to a portfolio or project.  One or more owners have to be assigned to it. The task has a due date to ensure actions are taken before that certain date. It's optional to force the one who finishes this task, to enter a comment.

Where to find

Taskbar Portfolio >> Portfolio data,  Action icons (fig. 1a) New Task

Taskbar Project >> Project data,  Action icons (fig. 1b) New Task

Taskbar Portfolio >> Task list,  Action icons (fig. 1c) New Task


Figure 1 a b c: Action Icons pull down New task option

Figure 2: Create a new task

New task (fig. 2)

  • Title: Name of the task (short description)
  • Task instruction: Task description
  • Due date: Date that this task has to be finished (done).
  • Task relates to: Does this task belongs to a portfolio or project or has it no relations.
  • Filter project by portfolio : When related to portfolio is selected this option is given to filter on portfolio.
  • project: : When related to portfolio or project is selected a (or more) project has to be selected
  • Task Owner: one or more owner of this task can be selected.
  • Comment option: define that when the task is declared finished (done) a comment must be added or not.
  • : save this task. When saved an email with task properties is send to its owner(s).
  • : discard changes made


Warning: Don't forget to save the changes you made in the data before you leave!