Example 1 Project list.

Figure 1: Example project list

This screen has an overview of 12 projects.  


We only like to see projects of portfolio “Cleantech”. With an “Expected value (rNVP)” over 1 million, and the Data Quality is not equal to “Low”.

  • Select the portfolio dropdown menu (top-left) and change the “All” into “Cleantech”. Now the screen has 12 projects.
  • Select the filter icon.
  • First dropdown of “Data Quality”: change “Not active” into “Equal to”.
  • Second dropdown: select from dropdown list “Low” and check it.
  • Press: Add filter option.
  • First dropdown: change “Select an item” into “Expected value (rNVP)”.
  • Second dropdown: change “Not active” into “Greater than”.
  • Third field: change “€0” into “€1000000”.
  • Apply filter.
  • The result will be as follows.

Figure 2: Example 1 filtered project list

Example 2 Project list.

Figure 3: Example project list

This screen has an overview of 18 projects.  


We only like to see projects with "Group" equal to "Americas" or "APAC", a “Plan value (NVP)” over 1.00.000 euro and the "Fit" is equal to “Moderate”. But we create 3 separate filters for it. These filters need to be accessible to all users.

First filter: "Filter_A"

  • Select the filter icon.
  • First dropdown of “Group”: change “Not active” into “Equal to”.
  • Second dropdown: select from dropdown list “Americas” and "APAC".
  • Select: Save filter.
  • Enter filter name; "Filter_A".
  • Check option; "Make this filter available to all users".
  • Click; "Create new filter"

Second filter: "Filter_B"

  • Select the filter icon.
  • Select; "Clear filter"
  • Select the filter icon.
  • Select "Add filter option".
  • Select from additional filter the first dropdown menu.
  • First dropdown: change “Select an item” into “Plan value (NVP)”.
  • Second dropdown: change “Not active” into “Greater than”.
  • Third field: change “€0” into “€100000”.
  • Select: Save filter.
  • Enter filter name; "Filter_B".
  • Check option; "Make this filter available to all users".
  • Click; "Create new filter"

Third filter: "Filter_C"

  • Select the filter icon.
  • Select; "Clear filter"
  • Select the filter icon.
  • First dropdown of "Fit": change “Select an item” into “Equal to”.
  • Second dropdown: select from dropdown list “Moderate”.
  • Select: Save filter.
  • Enter filter name; "Filter_C".
  • Check option; "Make this filter available to all users".
  • Click; "Create new filter"

Using these 3 filters simultaneous.

Figure 4: filter selections

Select from dropdown filter menu "Filter_A", "Filter_B" and "Filter_C". And click outside the dropdown menu or refresh using the F5 key. The result will be like this. An overview of project with 4 items.

Figure 5: Example project list