Standard or Additional items

There are 2 types of items that can be added to the filter:

Figure 1: Filter window

  • Standard items; these are set as default in the system settings and set to “pinned”.
  • Additional filters; these filter items can be added from a list of items that is set in the system settings to “Active”.    

Types of operands

A chosen filter item can be numeric, alphanumeric or a list.

Figure 1: operand

So the operand to choose from depends on the data type of the filter item.

It can be:

  1. Numeric; here an operands like “less than” or “greater than” can be set.
  2. Alphanumeric; here an operands like “Contains” or “Starts with” can be set.
  3. List; here an operands like “Equal to” or “Not Equal to” can be set.

Figure 2: operand types

After selecting the operand the value to compare to is entered. This can be an amount (D), date, characters (E) or a list of items (F).



  • Apply filter: filters can be activated at once. The filter icon changes into coloured . This means that there are projects filtered out.
  • Clear filter; remove all active filters.
  • Save filter; Name and save this filter for later use (by you only or make this filter available to all users). A saved filter is also activated at once. If there were already filters active, the new filter will be added to the filter already active.
  • Add Filter option; select some custom filter.

Rename a filter

  • To rename a filter select:
  • Menu bar "Presets"
  • Menu item "Rename and delete"
  • Select the filter to be renamed from the drop down list.

Delete a filter

  • To delete a filter select:
  • Menu bar "Presets"
  • Menu item "Rename and delete"
  • Select the filter to be deleted from the dropdown list.