Flightmap portals are delivered with a standard set of user roles. These are configured by default to match the roles in a typical R&D-related organization. The table below describes the Flightmap user roles.

Table 1: describtions of user roles

User role


Team member

A team member has by default no access to projects, portfolios or other entities. Project owners (e.g. project manager) have to give the team members access to relevant projects via the access rights tab of an entity.

Project leader

Project leaders can create projects. They can give other users access to the projects they own.

Portfolio manager

Portfolio managers can create portfolios. They can give other users access to the portfolios they own. Moreover, portfolio managers can update all the projects in his/her portfolios.

General manager

General managers can update all the entities (e.g. project, portfolio) in Flightmap.


An administrator can read all entities in Flightmap. Moreover, administrators can access the administration menu to create, update and delete accounts, update the user roles and update the system settings. The administrator is the only role that has the permission to delete entities (e.g. project or portfolio).

Market analyst

Market analysts can update all market data. Market data can be used in projects.


An analyst can update the Analysis settings.

Note: the Hub-menu (to import and export data) is available to all users that can read entities. To save the changes from an upload, update rights on the entities are required.