
Figure 1: funnel graph

This function provides an overview of projects in a portfolio in a funnel graph. What's a funnel graph? This graph adds an extra dimension to the graph (like a bubble graph). In the example shown in figure 1 the size of the bubble is related to the "Actual stage cost". The funnel assumes that the later/older item will be closer to the average.

Where to find

Taskbar Portfolio > funnel


  • Active portfolio: shows initial portfolio and chance the active portfolio
  • Filters: these can be used to select a custom view of the portfolio in a funnel graph.
  •  Configuration: in this panel you can select which data will be plotted (fig. 4).
    • X-axis; (fig. 6)
    • Y-axis; (fig. 6)
    • Bubble area; The size of the circle
    • Bubble color; Display this entity in a color (example fig.1)
    • Show name labels in diagram.
    • Show unused colors in legend; Example; if in figure 1 there would be no medium (yellow) bubble, the legend would not show the legend for "Medium".

Figure 2: select condition

    • Show unselected projects; figure 1 doesn't show the unselected projects and figure 4 shows unselected projects. The white projects are part of the portfolio but not part of the composition.
    • Fixed bubble area; Set max bubble size (in this example, when a value is over 1.190.000 it stays the maximum bubble size). When not checked the largest bubble is the largest value.

Figure 3: fixed bubble area

  • Reload: refreshes the bubble graph window

Figure 4: show unselected project (white)

  • Hovering over a bubble (fig. 5): this will give some information of that bubble.
  • Selecting project from a bubble; by clicking on a project in a bubble

Figure 5: info by hovering over a bubble

Figure 6: X- and Y-Axis


In fact there is no negative risk but to present a more readable graph bubbles are evenly spread on positive and negative risk axis.