
This function provides an overview of value in a project in an over time graph. Values can be plotted in a graph on a time base of quarters or years.

Figure 1: example over time graph

Where to find

Taskbar Portfolio >> portfolio over time.


  • Active portfolio: shows initial project and changes to the active project.
  • Filters: Filter the project selection list.
  • Configuration panel: in this panel you can select which data will be plotted (fig. 2).


    Figure 2: select preset conditions

After you have selected the desired data, your selection can be saved as a panel preset. Options to select:

    • Data to plot; choose data to plot on the y-axis from dropdown menu

 Figure 3: info by hovering over a bar

    • Show second project; add another project to compare (fig. 4)


       Figure 4: show second project in the graph

    • Zoom level; select time window to plot (zoom level1, zoom level2, zoom level3). These levels can be set in system settings (Administration >> system settings >> view).
    • Show data by year; (plot time on x-axis in years or quarters)
    • Show as line graph; (fig. 5); instead of a bar graph plot it in a line graph.


       Figure 5: plot data in a line graph.

  • Export data
  • Reload:  refreshes the window.
  • Hovering over a graph (fig. 6): this will give some information of that item.

Figure 6: info by hovering over a bar


More information about constraints is found at the Flightmap website: use case: Optimization