
Figure 1: Roadmap chart

The function Roadmap provides you with information about the life cycles of the projects in a portfolio or a subset of projects. The Roadmap chart visualizes the start, life cycle stages, and end of projects. It also gives insight how projects relate to each other in terms of timing, duration, and dependencies. Besides projects, the roadmap chart also shows:

  • Markets
  • Waves
  • Features

Based on the portfolio selected, a set of projects is shown with the linked markets and waves. If a feature value is entered for a wave and a feature priority is set for the portfolio (portfolio data > features tab), the concerning features are shown.

Where to find

Taskbar: Portfolio > Roadmap.


  • Use drop down to change the active portfolio and/or composition.

Figure 2: Select portfolio and/or composition

  • Use filter function to select preferred subset of projects. Filters: Filter the projects.
  • Use configuration panel to choose the settings of the desired chart Configurationpanel: a more elaborated summary of the  Configurationpanel
  • Reload: refreshes the window
  • View or edit project data by double clicking on the relevant project name or project bar in the chart.