Figure 3: Roadmap configuration panel

Project dependencies

    • Show none: no dependencies shown
    • Show all: all dependencies shown, including misalignments
    • Show misalignment: only misaligned dependencies shown

Figure 4: All dependencies shown (green arrows representing aligned dependencies, red arrows misaligned dependencies)

Add dependent projects

    • Show also not selected projects, the selected projects are dependent to (e.g. not in portfolio)

Show markets (see figure 5)

    • Add life cycle of markets the projects are addressing
    • Relations project - market: select relations you want to be shown (All relations, Hide relations, Only relevant relations)

Figure 5: Project-market relations, Features, Grouping & Subgrouping

Show waves (see figure 5) (Features & Waves)

    • Add waves to the Roadmap chart (only waves that are linked to the projects in the chart are shown)

Show features (see figure 5) (Features & Waves)

    • Add features and their values over time to the Roadmap chart. The configuation of features is depicted in the figure below.

Figure 6: How to configure and show features in roadmap chart

Set time window

    • Select start and end of time window, for zooming-in on specific period

Sort projects on

    • Start data
    • Name
    • Dependencies: project with earliest start data is shown first, followed by the dependend projects (not possible if grouping is enabled)
    • Wave: projects linked to the earliest wave are shown at the bottom of chart (closest to the wave)

Sort features on

    • Within a portfolio (Portfolio menu > Portfolio data > features tab) the priority of features can be set. By default (option: All), the roadmap chart sorts the features on the priorities of the portfolios of the projects shown (sum of the portfolios to wich the projects link).
    • Select a portfolio to sort the features on the priorities set in the concerning portfolio.

Group projects by & Then group projects by (subgrouping)(see figure 5)

    • Select grouping option for projects and markets, e.g. by project type or portfolio

Color projects by

    • Color the projects depending on e.g. actual stage, group, data quality, etc.

Save panel lay-out as preset: Presets

Save chart as image:

    • Create svg image and save in preferred folder