
User defaults allows the user to set a number of default settings (fig. 2). The first time after logging in it will use that setting.

Where to find

Menu bar (fig. 1) >> "User name" >> User defaults

Figure 1: where to find "User defaults"

Figure 2: User defaults


To use a preset for one of the following screens that preset must be created already in that particular screen.

  • Defaults
    • Default portfolio        (Choose "All" or a certain portfolio)
    • Page or preset to start with. (when set, Flightmap will start in this screen, otherwise with the "Bubble" screen )
    • Project key inputs (Select the preset to start the key-input screen)        
    • Notification task list items. (Choose setting of which task list needs to be shown)
  • Default presets output pages.
    • Task list
    • Portfolio list        
    • Project list        
    • Bubble        
    • Funnel        
    • Portfolio over time        
    • Resource diagram        
    • Balance        
    • Roadmap        
    • Project over time        
    • Sensitivity analysis        
    • Version Bubble        
    • Market over time

  • Save the values of default settings
  • reject the changes


If there are no preferences set Flightmap shall initially startup with the bubble-graph with its first preset. To change this its possible to set your own preferences.


  • As you set the "Page or preset to start with" to "Roadmap", Flightmap will startup in the Roadmap screen.
  • As you set the "Default Portfolio" to "All" or "Cleantech" the default value to start a function that requires a portfolio to be set, will use the default "All" or "Cleantech".
  • Or when you have created a preset for a "Project List" and you select that preset in User defaults for Project List. The initial use of project list will use that preset.