
Figure 1: resource planning chart

This function provides an overview of the total amount of resources needed for a portfolio in an overtime chart or table in months, quarters or years.  

Where to find

Task bar Portfolio >> resource planning.


  • Active portfolio:  use drop down to change the active portfolio.
  • Filters: filter the projects.
  • Configuration panel: in this panel you can set the controls of the resource chart or table.
    • Save chart to report queue; set this chart ready to use it in a report (fig. 16).
    • Select a preset;
  • Export data.  
  • Reload: refreshes the window.
  • Hovering over a chart (fig. 2): this will give some information of that item.
  • Selecting project of the chart; by clicking on a project in a bar chart.

Figure 2: adding graph to report

Resource preset settings

Figure 3: Preset resource panel


  • Category:  If your company uses a model with Resource types, you can choose to display Resource data or Resource type data. When a Resource Type category is chosen, you can filter on the items of the resource type.

Figure 4: Select Category Resource Type Preset

  • Filter: Select resources or resource types that will be displayed (fig. 5).

Figure 5: Select Resource Preset

  • Details (fig. 6) Set the detail level of the presented data. These detail levels are available:  
    • Not Selected: Table shows total resource data (fig. 16), or totals per resource type
      Chart shows unstacked resource, or stacked per resource type.
    • Resource: Table shows totals per resource, or totals per resource type and then resource. Chart shows stack per resource.
    • Project: Table shows totals per resource and then project, of resource type and then project. Chart shows stack per project (fig. 7).

Figure 7: Project Details, here stacked by project

Figure 6: Details Preset

  • Periods: Select number of periods (1 .. 24) (fig. 8)

Figure 8: Number of Periods Preset

  • Periods occurrence: month** / quarter / year (**when configured) (fig. 9)

Figure 9: Periods occurrence Preset

  • Start Date: Date of first period to display (fig. 10). Finalize a changed selection with "OK"

Figure 10: Start Date Preset

  • Visualisation: Select Chart or Table.

Figure 11: Select option "Chart" or "Table" from KPI  

Set over- or under-allocated data to be highlighted in red. When Filter is checked only the over or under allocated data is displayed.

Figure 12: Select option "Chart" or "Table" from KPI    

Figure 13: Over-allocated data    

Figure 14: Show as Table

  • KPI: Display Demand or Demand with Supply (fig. 15). This adds a line that indicates the set maximum available resources for that type at that time (fig. 16).

Figure 16: Show as Chart with Constraint/Supply line

Figure 15: Show as Chart with Constraint/Supply line

  • Select "Save panel layout as preset"
  • Select "Save Chart to queue"

Figure 17: Buttons to save layout to preset or save chart to queue


  • Select a preset: - select a saved preset

Figure 18: Select a preset

After selecting presets, the settings can be saved as a panel preset. Options to select:

    • Save panel layout; (fig. 19) (as in presets)
      • Saving preset
      • Use a filter with this preset.
      • Make this your default preset.
      • Make this a preset for all users?
      • Save it as a preset.

Figure 19: saving a preset